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弘印Shiang Ying老师(马来西亚)瑜伽肌动理疗解剖工作坊!


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Shiang Ying马来西亚)



厦门瑜伽节特聘讲师    中印瑜伽大会特聘讲师

美国《瑜珈联盟》Yoga Alliance认证导师与培训师

资深Somatic Movement Educator (心里医生)

《Yoga Elements》创始人









- ۞骨盆移位、倾斜和旋转对身体的影响以及如何解决骨盆平衡的问题。

Pelvic displacement, tilt and the influence of the rotation of the body, and how to solve the problem of the pelvis balance.

- ۞以平衡骨盆和髋关节来预防身体受伤。

To balance the pelvis and the hip joint to prevent the body injury.

- ۞如何透过正确运用髋关节和骨盆来改善膝盖问题。

How to through the correct use of the hip and pelvis to improve knee problems.

- ۞如何用腿筋运动来改善下背和膝盖问题。

How to use a hamstring movement to improve the lower back and knee problems.

- ۞改善骶髂关节的不平衡。

Improve the sacroiliac joint of imbalance.

- ۞认识经常被忽略、隐藏在骨盆底的核心肌肉群。

Often overlooked, hidden in the core of the pelvic floor muscles.

- ۞区分骨盆底肌肉的肌张力度:是紧绷还是松弛?

Distinguish between pelvic floor muscle muscle strength: is tight or loose?

- ۞认识骨盆底的三大肌肉层,以及如何根据你的个人需求放松或强化这部分。

Know the three pelvic floor muscle layer, and how to according to your individual needs to relax or to strengthen this part.

- ۞解决器官脱垂、失禁、经期疼痛或失调和骨盆疼痛的问题。

Solve organ prolapse, incontinence, menstrual pain or disorders and pelvic pain.

- ۞预防和治疗肩膀疼痛和受伤的关键要诀。

The key to the prevention and treatment of shoulder pain and injured gist.

- ۞认识手、手腕、手肘和肩膀之间的肌筋膜。

Between the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder muscle fascia.

- ۞如何透过手臂动作加强、伸展和放松肌筋膜,以解决慢性疼痛和增加灵活度。

How to through the arm movements to strengthen, stretch and relax the muscle fascia, to solve the chronic pain and increase flexibility.

- ۞解决肩膀肌肉僵硬和过度伸展对身体的负面影响 

Solve the shoulder muscle stiffness and the negative impact of excessive extend to the body

- ۞颈痛的原由。

Neck pain.

- ۞姿势和身体动作对颈痛的影响。

The influence of gestures and body movements to neck pain.

- ۞压力和情绪对颈痛的影响。

Stress and emotional impact on neck pain.

- ۞如何改善坐姿、站姿和动作顺位。

How to improve posture, posture, and action sequence.

- ۞如何伸展僵硬肌肉和加强无力肌肉。

How stretching stiff muscles and strengthen the weak muscles.

- ۞长期性有效的自我颈痛护理。 

Long-term effective self neck pain nursing.

- ۞分析多种不同的背部疼痛。

Analysis of a variety of back pain.

- ۞如何预防和治疗背部疼痛。

How to prevent and treat back pain.

- ۞解决上背部过度后凸的问题。

Back after excessive convex problems to solve.

- ۞解决下背部过度后弯的问题。

The problem of lower back after excessive bending.

- ۞塑造即灵活也强健的脊柱和核心。

Shape is flexible and robust spine and core.

- ۞分析多种不同类型的脊柱侧弯。

Analysis of a variety of different types of scoliosis.

- ۞功能性和构造性脊柱侧弯的分别。

The functional and structural scoliosis, respectively.

- ۞如何治疗不同类型的脊柱侧弯。

How to treat different types of scoliosis.

- ۞骨骼调整如O型、X型腿纠正。

Bone adjustments such as O, X leg to correct.

- ۞骨盆倾斜(左右)纠正。

Pelvic tilt (or so) to correct.

- ۞动态和静态的身体评估。

Dynamic and static physical assessment.

- ۞脊柱后伸肌群解剖结构特点。

Spine after extensor group of anatomical characteristics.

- ۞如何拓展脊椎空间。

How to expand the spine space.

- ۞骨骼,肌肉,关节基本解刨结构。

Bones, muscles, joints, the basic solution of plane structure.

- ۞特点与运动生物力学分析和矫正手法的演练。

The characteristics and biomechanics analysis and correction technique drills.

- ۞解颈椎的瑜伽理疗,解晰颈椎瑜伽损伤以及常见颈椎问题。

Yoga therapy of cervical vertebra, enough cervical yoga injuries and common problems.

- ۞解晰腰肌劳损及腰椎间盘突出的病因诊断及病理改变 。

Enough of diagnosing lumbar muscle strain lumbar disc herniation and pathological changes.

- ۞解析肌肉型颈椎病,强直性脊柱炎,肩周炎。

Parsing muscular type of cervical spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, periarthritis of shoulder.

- ۞将系统地学习脊柱、肩带、骨盆带的所有骨性。

To systematically study the spine, shoulder straps, all the osseous pelvic girdle.

- ۞分析椎间盘突出、椎管狭窄、椎管滑脱等常见问题的解剖结构。

Analysis of intervertebral disc herniation, spinal canal stenosis and spinal canal slippage common anatomical structure of the problem.


当我们对人体构造(解剖学)有一定的认识时,我们可以更有信心和效率地练习或指导学生。然而,仅仅知道骨骼/肌肉的名称、起源和插入(origin and insertion)是不足够的。只有在我们懂得肌肉和骨骼是如何协调和相呼应,我们才能够彻底地了解身体是如何做到和完成体式(Asana)。

在这个三天的研习里,Shiang Ying老师将会以肌动学的原理为我们分析瑜伽体式的重点,以及如何把肌动学的知识融入教学当中。肌动学的原则除了可以帮助防范错位可带来的疼痛,也可以让你为身体有疼痛的学生们提供适当的疗愈建议。


- 让你可以更精确地分析学生身体和动作的肌动原理。

- 如何从肌动学来看人体动作。

- 身体各个部分是如何互相影响和配合,并突破单一肌肉、骨头或关节的思想,对瑜伽体式有更深入的领悟。

- 以全面化的角度来看待身体功能,以及是什么因素令其功能受障碍。

- 如何通过肌动原理来纠正常见的瑜伽体式错位。


- 身体有疼痛:特别是膝盖、臀部、背、肩膀和颈部

- 希望多了解自己身体

- 对瑜伽体式的顺位需求有解不了的迷思或疑问

- 希望可以帮助学生解决身体上的疼痛的瑜珈老师

进修Shiang Ying老师课程的瑜伽教练


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